國際交流 International Exchanges
20250120-21日本東京Teaching & Education Research Association (TERA)國際學術交流。
202407-08 芬蘭赫爾辛基藝術大學(The University of the Arts
Helsinki)國際交流與8國國際合作案 The international mobility, Helsinki, Finland
202407 韓國水原大學與誠信女子大學進行國際交流 The international mobility, Korean
202404 荷蘭雷瓦登史坦德專業大學 (NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences,
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands)
國際交流與短期講學 The international exchange & Presentation at NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
202402 比利時韋弗斯大學 (VIVES University of Applied Sciences )國際 交 流與 短期講學 The international exchange & Presentation at VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Belgium
202309 瑞典克里斯蒂安斯塔德大學 (Kristianstad University)國際交流與 短期講學 The international exchange & Presentation at Kristianstad University, Sweden
University of Applied Sciences)、漢恩大學 (HAN University of Applied Sciences)與萊頓科技大學(University of Applied Sciences Leiden) 國際交流 The international exchange at Friedrich-Alexander- Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nuremberg, Germany The international exchange at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Zernike Campus, Netherlands、HAN University of Applied Sciences、University of Applied Sciences Leiden
202302 新加坡新躍社科大學 (Singapre University of Social Sciences) 國際交流 The international exchange at Singapre University of Social Sciences, Singapore 202002 越南外國語大學 (VNU Hanoi University of Language and International Studies) 國際交流 The international exchange at VNU Hanoi University of Language and International Studies, Hanoi , Vietnam 201912 捷克馬薩里克大學(Masaryk University)講學 Presentation at Masaryk University, Republic of Czech 201912 拉脫維亞利耶帕亞大學(Liepaya University)講學 Presentation at Liepaja University, Latvia 201911 日本東洋大學 (Toyo University)國際交流 The international exchange at Toyo University, Japan 201909 瑞士蘇黎世教育大學 (Zurich University of Teacher Education) 短期講學 Guest teaching at Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
201908 南非西開普大學 (University of the Western Cape) 短期講學Guest teaching at the University of the Western Cape, South
201905 奧地利維也納KPH大學國際週講學
Presentation at International week, KPH, Austria
201904 西班牙巴塞隆納VIC大學國際週講學
Presentation at International week, VIC University, Barcelona,
201811 瑞典Malmo 大學國際週講學
Presentation at International week, Malmo University, Sweden
201809 印尼迪波內戈羅大學(Diponegoro University)短期講學
Visiting professor at Diponegoro University, Indonesia
201809 美國波爾州立大學(Ball State University)國際週講學
Presentation at International week, Ball State University, USA
201805 奧地利維也納KPH大學國際週講學
Presentation at International week, KPH, Austria
201803 荷蘭鹿特丹科技大學(Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)
Presentation at International week, Rotterdam University of
Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
201710 美國阿拉斯加短期講學
Guest teaching in Alaska, USA
201709 ETEN比利時Karel de Grote University College國際週講學
Presentation at International week, Karel de Grote University
College, Belgium
201707 馬來西亞麻六甲APSMER發表論文
The international exchange at Melaka, Malaysia
201704 瑞典Malmo大學講學
Presentation at Malmo University, Sweden
201703 芬蘭赫爾辛基大都會應用科學大學(Metropolia University of
Applied Sciences)大學講學
Presentation at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences,
201702 丹麥哥本哈根UCC大學國際週講學
Presentation at International Week, UCC University, Denmark
201610 印尼泗水講學
Guest teaching at SURABAYA TAIPEI SCHOOL, Surabaya,
201609 英國諾桑比亞大學 (Northumbria University)講學
Presentation at Northumbria University, UK
201606 墨西哥汎美大學(Universidad Panamericana)暑期講學
Guest teaching of Summer course at Universidad
Panamericana, Mexico
201604 德國雷根斯堡大學 (University of Regensburg)交流
The international exchange at the University of Regensburg,
201604 德國萊比錫大學(University of Leipzig)交流
The international exchange at the University of Leipzig,
201603 丹麥UCC大學國際週演講
Presentation at International Week, UCC University, Denmark
201602 荷蘭海牙大學 (The Hague University) 演講
Presentation at The Hague University, The Netherlands
201509 西班牙巴斯Mondragon大學演講
Presentation at Mondragon University, Spain
201504 丹麥UCC大學會議與演講
Presentation at UCC University, Denmark
201404 德國萊比錫大學 (University of Leipzig) 會議報告
Presentation at the University of Leipzig, Germany
201309 荷蘭海牙大學(The Hague University)會議報告
Presentation at The Hague University, Netherlands
201404 土耳其 Izmir國際交流
The international exchange at Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
201309 荷蘭鹿特丹音樂學院(Codarts Rotterdam - University of the Arts) 訪問講學
Visiting professor at Codarts Rotterdam - University of the Arts, The Netherlands
201309 荷蘭海牙大學(The Hague University)訪問講學
Visiting professor at The Hague University, The Netherlands
201309 丹麥VIA大學訪問演講
Presentation at VIA University, Denmark
201304 比利時林堡大學 (Limburg University)會議報告與訪問講學
Presentation at Limburg University, Belgium
201209 美國德州基督教大學(TCU)演講
Presentation at Texas Christian University, USA
201011 美國伊利諾州立大學 (Illinois State University)講學
Visiting professor at Illinois State University, USA
201103 英國巴斯諾蘭學院 演講
Presentation at Norland College, Bath, UK
201006~201101 美國紐約州立大學奧斯特分校講學
Visiting Professor at SUNY Ulster, USA
Presentation at International Society for Music Education, Beijing, China
200908 北京ISME國際音樂教育研討會演講
Presentation at International Society for Music Education, Beijing, China200807 義大利Bologna講學
Presentation at Bologna, Italy
200707 澳洲邦德大學 (Bond University)國際交流
The international exchange at Bond University, Australia
200703 英國桑德蘭大學 (University of Sunderland)聲音光束研習
Presentation at New York Institute for Social Research, USA
200102 美國New York Institute for Social Research音樂中心講學
Presentation at New York Institute for Social Research, USA